Peerclix, launches the first website dedicated to offering
free Sony PSPs to UK users, With this exclusively UK focused peer site, gamers can now not only get the most popular gadget of 2005 so far, but they can also do it for free.
Based on a system that had huge uptake in the US, Peerclix has developed an online model that rewards people who join complete a trial offer with a leading online company such as eBay, Screen Select or GameAccount and then refer several friends.
This means that instead of paying for traditional advertising to attract new people these companies are rewarding people for test-driving their products and services.The BBC’s Gavin Esler, following a report on the US system couldn’t wait for it to be available in the UK: “If there is anyone watching who has not rushed off to try this at home, I should point out these offers are only available in the States at the moment otherwise I would be on my computer!” With PeerclixPSP, gamers right across the UK can now get a
free PSP delivered to their door.Jennifer Schiavone in New York who received a free PSP and had previously received an Ipod using the US system, said: “There was no catch and no surprises – just a completely free product shipped to my door with no strings attached.”