Sunday, February 26, 2006

Learning the Basics of the C Programming Language

Learn C programming from these daily lessons. They're nine days ahead of you already so get busy...

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Write your own operating system :)

Kernel development is not an easy task. This is a testament to your programming expertise: To develop a kernel is to say that you understand how to create software that interfaces with and manages the hardware. A kernel is designed to be a central core to the operating system - the logic that manages the resources that the hardware has to offer.

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Friday, February 24, 2006

digg - Submit Item

Magic Online III the TCG has just been announced.

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Star Trek Online - few screenshots from the game engine

At last: some mouth-watering, edge-of-your-seat, breath-holding revelations from the STO devs!
Actually it's just a few nice shots of the inside of the virtual Enterprise - look nice and clean and realistic. But what about the gameplay?

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Lara Crofts new voice - Keeley Hawes

Lara isn't just getting a new face, she's getting a new voice too, in the form of British actress Keeley Hawes.

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digg - Submit Item

Lara isn't just getting a new face, she's getting a new voice too, in the form of British actress Keeley Hawes.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

digg - Submit Item

A fun game - how long can you keep it away?

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

digg - Submit Item

Its taken 8 months, but the release of the VIP Mod for Counter-Strike Source is now only a week away.

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